Types of Appointment

Our healthcare team comprises of a wide range of professionals to help our patients. We have GP’s, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Health Care Assistants, Physiotherapists, Clinical Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians, Social Prescribers, Mental Health workers and Ageing Well support workers.

For day to day appointments you may have a consultation with either a Nurse or a Doctor depending on the nature of the problem. Our Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP’s) are highly skilled senior nurses with advanced clinical skills. They are able to carry out appropriate assessments and examinations, make a diagnosis, prescribe any required medication and refer patients for investigations.

Our Practice Nurse team are specially trained to assess and treat a wide range of health conditions, including diabetes, hypertension and asthma , treatment of minor injuries, contraception counselling, undertake smear tests and carry out vaccinations. The Practice Nurses can issue a prescription that they will then ask a Doctor to sign.

Our Health Care Assistant is able to undertake dressings, remove sutures, syringe ears, and take blood and urine samples.

At the practice we have appointments at different timescales depending upon the urgency of the medical problem you have.

Members of our wider team from our Primary Care Network (PCN) are able to help with a range of querys and support such as medication issues, social issues and much  more. 

On the day On the day emergency appointments are for patients who have an urgent medical problem that cannot wait for a routine appointment. The practice aims to offer appointments to all patients with an on the day emergency. These appointments are booked to allow as many patients as safely possible to be treated on the day, therefore only the urgent medical problem can be addressed. The doctor or nurse will not be able to deal with routine matters so please don’t ask them too. Our Patient Service Advisors will be pleased to book you a subsequent routine appointment for this purpose.
Routine For patients who need an appointment for a non-urgent problem, for a medication review or for a follow up appointment we offer appointments within 28 days.