Changing your contact details

To update details like your name, address, phone numbers or email address:

  • use AccuRx
  • phone or visit the surgery from 9am to 5pm

You may need to send a photo or bring the following to the surgery:

  • Address changes 
    • Please send a photo of proof of address. This can be a bank statement, solicitors letter, rental agreement or utility bill. 
  • Name changes 
    • We will need to see photo ID, Deed Poll confirmation, Marraige certificate, Decree Absoloubte or any other official documentation supporting your name change. 

Change of address

If you have moved to a new address, you will need to be in our catchment area to stay registered with our surgery.

Changing your date of birth or name

You will need to show us proof that you have changed your name or date of birth. This could be a marriage or civil partnership certificate, deed poll or birth certificate.